Google Map integrated. You can set your company location into Google Map element and display it on your site. It's very easy to use.
Promotion box element for displaying your special offers or announcements. Choose different color and add buttons to promotion boxes.
Responsive Pricing Tables. Choose different columns and to display your features. You can also choose different buttons for Pricing Tables.
Swiper Responsive Slider is a swipe based slider. It's very mobile friendly and useful. Also works flawlessly on regular screens as well.
Iconic texts are visual elements which combines an icon and text. It's very useful for displaying your services or features.
Steps HTML element. Display different steps of your work. Show your process with steps details.
Responsive tabs with multi design. Just with a few clicks you can use top responsive tabs, left responsive tabs or right responsive tabs.
Nulla a dolor malesuada, iaculis massa nec, porttitor dui. Aenean ipsum justo, blandit eget tempor vitae, elementum sit amet eros.
Curabitur facilisis sem id consequat mattis. In viverra mi sit amet libero maximus, id ultrices nisl luctus.
Praesent et fermentum urna. Curabitur eu venenatis tellus. Nullam iaculis felis lacus, vel rutrum lacus pharetra.